Monday, September 18, 2006


Today is my best friend and co-worker first day back at work. She has been out of work for 6 months. She was in a car wreck the last of February, a week or two weeks later she started having pains in her side. When she went to her medical doctor, they sent her for a stomach scan. That is when they diagnose her with Stage two Ovarian Cancer. (Thank God for the wreck) Since then she has been though 3 big chemo treatments and is having small Chemo treatment every Wednesday until December the 2nd.

With every thing she has been though, and things she has lost. The one thing she hasn’t lost was her faith in God. If anything it has got stronger.

Now when I talk to her, I feel like I have to watch what I say or more or less what I complain about. My problems are nothing compare to what she has been though or what she is still going though. When I start complaining about little stuff, and I catch myself. I tell her how sorry I am, she tells me not to worry. She says she now knows how precious life is and she just doesn’t let the little stuff get her down. I still feel so bad.

I thank God everyday for her safe return back to me; her friendship means the world to me.

Welcome Back my Dear Friend.

1 comment:

Suzanne Temple said...

Amazing! She must have thought that car wreck was terrible at the time, now I bet she thinks of it as one of the best things that ever happened to her.