Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Chemo Update

I made it though my first week after chemo. This weekend was a rough one, I started getting sick on Friday night and by Sunday, I couldn't get out of bed. Steve and the kids was on their on. I even think it started getting to Steven, because he woke up Sunday night sick also. I called the doctor on Sunday and they called me in more medicine. On Monday I was feeling a lot better, but didn't feel up to going and getting my blood work done, I schedule it for today.


WBC: (3.6-11.1) = 4.30
RBC: (3.69-4.88) = 4.45
Hgb: (11.4 -14.4) = 13.1
HCT: (33.3 - 41.4) = 38.2
MCV: (79.3-94.8) = 85.9
MCH: (26.8 - 33.2) = 29.5
MCHC: (33.5 - 35.5) = 34.3
RDW: (12.0 - 15.1) = 13.2
Platelet: (165 - 353) = 226

They doctor was happy with the counts since I was so sick this weekend. She feels she might have to adjust the nausea medicine for the next round of chemo.(2-12)

I go next Wednesday 7th to see the Gyn-Oncology doctor and we will then set the date for my Hysterectomy surgery.

So far my hair hasn't started falling out, they said it could start within two weeks, which will be next Monday. It's hair and it will grow back., Now my hair is straight and gray. I think I am grayer then my mom.

Thanks again for all your love and support.

Love Always,

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