Friday, February 01, 2008

Surprise in the Dryer....

Last night I opened my dryer to find melted BLACK crayon all over my laundry. It was some whites and tan pants so I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get them clean. But I got on the computer and I started Google away... And this is what I found.

I used:

1 cup white vinegar
1 cup of oxyclean
1 cup of shout
1 cup of laundry detergent

I let it all soak overnight before letting it run the heavy duty cycle (hot wash cold rinse). When I pulled it out most of the black was gone. There were still a few spots so I took the shout and a brush and took care of the little bits of black here and there. Added another cup of vinegar, a cup of oxyclean, and some detergent and ran it through again. This time it was all gone! It worked very well...

1 comment:

Don and Be said...

You should submit this one to 'Heloise'.
So, "What do you call that guy on TV who shouts at you while he demonstrates Oxyclean?" ------
An Oxymoron! ..... and the entire Moore family lets out with a collective groan.