Thursday, May 28, 2009


I got a very good report on Friday. The spot that was on the spine is"DEAD CANCER CELLS". This is God's Work and God's Work Only. When I found out in November that my cancer had spread, they told us that they couldn't treat the spot on the Spine, they could only keep it from spreading. Will today, the doctor told us that the spots were"DEAD CELLS". GOD'S WORK AT HAND.
The spots on the lung are a lot smaller, and there is NO inflammation or fluid in the lungs now. The PET scan is based on a 0 to 20 scale,20 meaning that they can look and tell it is cancer. In November, My PET Scan score was a 20, in Feb. my PET scan score was a 5, today my score was a 3.
The prayers are working along with the chemo. I am going to do another 3 months round of chemo and have another PET scan in 3 months.
So please keep the prayers coming, God is answering every prayer.Thanks for all of the prayers, support and love. It means the world to our family.


Colette said...

That is wonderful news for you and your family and I will hold you up in pray. My brother-in-law has just finished his first round of chemo, still doing radiation and starts his second round of chemo in about another week. He has stage 3 lung cancer. It has collasped one lung and has entered the lumpnodes in his neck but seemes to be contained within these areas. I can understand the stress you are under and will be praying and rejoicing in God's blessings to you and your family!

Don and Be said...

Thank you, Jesus!!!

Don and Be said...

Hey Renee - hoping all is well. We think about you often.