Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Doctor Appointment Update

Some days I feel like I am on a roller coaster Ride.

I went to the Oncology Appointment yesterday for all my follower ups. My appointment wasn't what I hoped it would be.

I had a PET Scan done on the 19th of December before my surgery on the 22nd. A PET Scan will light up any cancer in the body, my breast lit up like a Christmas Tree, and a spot on my left ovary lit up also. We went on with the surgery to remove my left breast and the two enlarged lymph nodes. They removed a total of 14 lymph nodes, 12 from under the arm and two in the chest area. Their was only two that was cancer, which is really good.

I had blood work done before Surgery and a week after surgery, which both time cancer levels was in the normal range.

I found out yesterday, that my cancer in the breast was the fast growing type, and isn't like the normal breast cancer. They are worried now about the ovary.

I go this Friday, the 12th for an ultra sound for the ovary, and a scan of my heart. The scan for the heart is to make sure before starting chemo that everything is working correctly. Both my Oncology doctors are worried that the cancer has spread from my breast to my ovary, if this is the case they may need to adjust my chemo treatments. If it is cancer in my ovary we are hoping it is different type of cancer.

Either way it looks like I may have have my ovary removed and also my uterus. Which my baby making days are over, since Steven was 11 lbs.

So far I will start chemo the week of the 22 nd with four arounds (or 4 months not sure) of Adriamycin every two to three weeks, then start Taxol and Cyclophosphamide every two to three weeks four rounds or 4 months not sure. Then I will have to do radiation treatment then Reconstruction .

Please pray for Steve, Stephanie, Steven, my mom, and my brothers. That God will help them with all I am going through, plus pray for my doctors. I know with God on my side and all love and support I am getting from all that loves me I will be fine. But my family is who I worry about, I love them all so much.

Love Always,

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