Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Steve and the kids made my birthday really special yesterday. I got off work at 11:30, when I got home they were all hiding and jumped out yelling “Happy Birthday”. Even Abby (dog) barked. They kids really thought Abby said “Happy Birthday”. They made me a cake and got me a pair of tennis shoes. We went to eat at Fire Mountain Grill Buffet for lunch, and then we went to Wal-mart and Toy R Us. When we got home from eating my mom had called and sang “Happy Birthday” on the answering machine. She is at the beach this week with two of my brothers.

It was so hot yesterday, we all went and lay in bed watching movies. After the movies, we let the kids play in the water sprinkler.

I loved just laying around the house spending time with my kids.

1 comment:

The Kura Family said...

Happy Birthday Renee!

We appreciate your kind words and prayers for Austin.

Jon and Gina